Friday, December 09, 2005

Mohad.. A 'Village' of Dreams! - 3 Work Works

From wild tree leaves to a pattal and four donas in two mins flat!

Another Lijjat in the making.. a fledgling cooperative papad factory..

Dant Manjan made at home.. pretty much the same as any branded Kala Dant Manjan..

Advocate sahab stays in the village itself.. and there's a beedi making industry at home too..

Blacksmithy is family business... the village is a big enough market.. by GOD's Grace

Motor winding workshop is now available in the village.. saves time.. saves money.. for a lot of farmers!

Vermiculture... organic farming.. you name it...

One of the many small scale 'Gur' factories.. 2-4 quintals per day! Cane is a popular cash crop.. several farmers grow it.. and make jaggery themselves!

The village is self sufficient in all matters.. including beauty parlors ;-)


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